Self-Paced Offerings 

Myofascial release techniques, internal pelvic care, and guided visualizations, all support you to trust your inner alchemy. 

Spiraling Into the Heart

Myofascial Breast Care Masterclass 

This masterclass helps women who struggle with disconnection, aches, or stored trauma in their breasts to achieve acceptance, confidence, sovereignty, and connection through guided hands-on myofascial breast self-care with specialized techniques for their emotional and physical well-being.

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Internal Pelvic Myofascial Masterclass

This Masterclass helps women achieve better pelvic health, better sex, the release of stored traumas and emotions, as well as an overall newfound connection to your pelvis. Internal ease and flow are attainable for all women.

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Myofascial Release for the Head, Neck, and Jaw

You’re invited to take a deep breath, let your tension melt, and connect with your body's magical fascia. 

A masterclass to support you in healing headaches, jaw pain, sinus pressure, and neck tension. This class helps you achieve an easeful, pain-free life through the unique techniques of Myofascial Release.

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Spiraling Down Under

Myofascial Care for your Pelvic Bowl

In this course you receive the why, and how to caretake your pelvic bowl internally and externally through guided self-touch and my favorite myofascial release techniques.

If you desire to connect deeply with your body, heal stagnant or stuck energy, and harness the feminine power that spirals within this sacred site of your body, then this course awaits you. 

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Myofascial Self Care for Pregnancy 

A masterclass to support you in having an easeful and healing pregnancy. This class helps you achieve less pain, more fascial release, and deep connection through the unique techniques of Myofascial Release.


Myofascial Self-Care for Pregnancy includes a recorded live 2-hour masterclass with myofascial theory and anatomy, hands-on techniques and continued daily practice, recorded Q+A, integration, and reflection 

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Daily Myofascial Routine for Full Body Alignment


This 1.5 hours of guided self-treatment will help alleviate pain throughout your body.  It will support your pelvis to be aligned, an important aspect of your wellness. 

You’ll learn techniques that will truly release your fascia and change the way your body feels even if you only have a short amount of time each day. 


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