Thanks and Praises

I learn from every healer and client I work with, and so there is no way I can make a complete list of all those who have touched my life.


My deepest gratitude goes to my mentor in Myofascial Release, John F. Barnes.  John has inspired me to always follow my intuition, to step into my own power and to never give up. 


Natasha Bray, founder of The School for Healing Mastery and developer of HeartHealingTM 


My first teachers of bodywork, Judith and Michael Jamieson, at the Green Mountain Institute for Integrative Therapy.


Tami Lynn Kent, founder of Holistic Pelvic CareTM and author of Wild Feminine. 


Vickie Gillhouse, and Lee Albert, of Integrated Positional Therapy (IPT). Vickie is a dear friend and has helped my body when it is in need more times than I can count.


Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage, and practitioner Sarah Wylie, who is such a wealth of knowledge and has been so generous with her skills.


Lindsay Courcelle

Hugh Milne, of Visionary Craniosacral Therapy, and my direct teacher Ellen Lenson. As well as Rachel Baird, a wonderful intuitive healer.

There are countless women from whom I’ve learned online or through their writings, including but not limited to Adelaide Meadow, Carly Rae Beaudry, Kimberly Ann Johnson, Adena Rose Ayurveda, Qiddist Ashé, Rachelle Garcia Seliga and many, many more. 


And there are countless women and friends within my community who have supported me in pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding, homeopathy and many other ways. You know who you are and I love you.


Thanks to Erica at Luna Munn Photography for the beautiful photos on this site.


Special thanks to Lora Amber, who has helped to nurture my business into bloom and has held the space for me as I’ve expanded into my creativity.Â